Gourmet Vanilla Protein Powder, 1280 Calories & 52g Protein, Easy Mix, Delicious Taste, 12 lbs


Super Mass Gainer is the ultimate solution for athletes and individuals who struggle to gain size. It offers a high-quality blend of protein, calories, vitamins, and minerals to support mass gain and strength building. With its combination of whey and casein proteins, Super Mass Gainer provides immediate and continuous muscle fuel. Additionally, it contains essential nutrients like BCAAs, creatine, and glutamine to enhance muscle protein synthesis, endurance, and recovery. Each serving provides a whopping 1310 calories, 245g of carbs, and 52g of protein. However, it is important to note that exposure to heat or sunlight may damage the product. Overall, Super Mass Gainer is a comprehensive solution for sports nutrition weight gainers.
