Defensive Living: Street Smart Safety for Women


Street Smart Safety for Women is a book that tackles the issue of violence against women and offers valuable tips on defensive living. The authors, Joy Farrow and Laura Frombach, highlight the unprecedented threats that women face in today’s world, magnified by technology and social media. They address the challenge of social conditioning that leaves women ill-prepared to deal with escalating attacks and prevalent issues like sexual assault and domestic violence. The book emphasizes the importance of women’s safety intuition, which is often discounted due to cultural conditioning. Farrow and Frombach draw on their personal and professional experiences to provide solutions and empower women to trust in themselves and reduce their vulnerability to crime. The book covers various topics, including technology terror, recognizing predators, dating diligence, financial security, and self-defense. Street Smart Safety for Women offers practical guidance for women seeking to enhance their personal safety. (Keywords: Sports Health & Safety Books)
